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Tech Support Questions
Tech Support Questions

Tech Support

Written by Julia Lackey
Updated over a week ago

Help Center Article – Tech Support

1. How can I delete my account? / I want to delete this account.

If you would like to delete your account, let us know and this can be done by the Tech Support team for you.

2. How can I edit my email?

If you need to edit your email, a BDV admin can help you do so.

3. I cannot access my account. / I cannot login.

If you are having trouble accessing your account and/or are unable to login, this should be checked and resolved by the Tech Support team.

4. Can I change my login option from Facebook to email and password?

If you need to change your login option from Facebook to email/password, the Tech Support team will be able to do this for you.

5. I cannot upload documents.

Having trouble uploading your documents? This should be checked and resolved by the Tech Support team.

6. How long does it normally take for the LC approval?

LC (Labor Certification) approval is taking on average 8-12 months right now.

7. I cannot watch onboarding videos.

If you are running into issues with watching the onboarding videos, it could possibly be blocked in your (Client’s) specific country. If this is the case, you should try using a VPN.

8. I do not receive any emails from you.

If you are not receiving emails from us, it means no emails from the Intercom channel.

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