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Custom Domain

A custom domain is something like If you are trying to do something like, you are trying to do a subdomain, which is covered in the section below.

  1. Go to this article and follow the instructions to "Open Advanced DNS Settings" under A records.

  2. Scroll down to Custom Records

  3. Delete any existing A, AAAA, or CNAME records for

  4. In the Record field of a blank row, select CNAME from the drop-down

    1. In the Host field, enter @

    2. Leave the Priority field blank

    3. In the Data field, enter

    4. Click "Add" to save the record to your settings

Custom Subdomain

A custom subdomain is something like If you are trying to do something like, you are trying to do a domain, which is covered in the section above.

  1. Go to this article and follow the instructions to "Open Advanced DNS Settings" under CNAME records

  2. Scroll down to Custom Records

  3. In the Record field of a blank row, select CNAME from the drop-down

    1. In the Host field, enter your your subdomain. If you want, enter links. If you want enter bio

    2. Leave the Priority field blank

    3. In the Data field, enter

    4. Click "Add" to save the record to your settings

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