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Removing members from your community
Removing members from your community
Jazz Prado avatar
Written by Jazz Prado
Updated over a week ago

As an admin or moderator, you have permissions to remove members from the community, whether or not you are the owner. You can also approve, decline, or ban a user from joining.

Declining a member request

  1. Go to Community Manager > Member Approval

  2. Filter the list by Pending

  3. Select member requests that you want to disapprove

  4. Click the "Deny" button

  5. Click "Deny Requests" to confirm

πŸ’‘ Note: Once a member is denied, they will be notified of the decision and banned from signing-up on the platform again.

Removing approved members

  1. Go to Community Manager > Member Approval

  2. Filter the list by Approved

  3. Select member requests that you want to remove

  4. Click the "Deny" button

  5. Click "Deny Requests" to confirm

πŸ’‘ Note: Once an approved member is removed from the community, they will not be able to sign-in again until they are re-approved. If they attempt to do so, they will see a warning telling them their registration is denied.

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