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What is Tracked & Untracked Data?
What is Tracked & Untracked Data?
Updated over 4 months ago


How comprehensive is Beauhurst's tracked data?

Our data is comprehensive from 1st January 2011, apart from the 10% scaleup trigger, which is our most recently-added trigger. We are in the process of backfilling data for this trigger.

What are tracking badges and profile labels on company profiles?

There is a panel on the summary tab of each tracked profile called 'Beauhurst Tracking Triggers', which contains a badge corresponding to each Beauhurst tracking trigger a company has met. These badges only appear on profiles of companies which are currently tracked or were previously.

Company profiles also feature labels that explain why a company has been entered or why it is no longer being updated. These are:

  • "Ceased tracking" for formerly tracked companies that have exited

  • "Beauhurst is no longer tracking this company as it has listed on a stock exchange and/or sold a substantial stake. The data may be outdated." for companies that were never tracked themselves but were either acquired by tracked companies or acquired tracked companies

  • "This company is not tracked by Beauhurst because it is a foreign company." for foreign companies

  • "This UK company hasn't met Beauhurst criteria and is not being tracked. Untracked companies do not have comprehensive profiles." for companies that have received Innovate UK grants yet have not met our innovation grant trigger

When does Beauhurst stop tracking a company?

Historically, we would cease tracking a company when it underwent an β€œexit” (either via listing its shares on a stock exchange or selling a majority stake to a single company or fund), or when a company ceases operations i.e. the company is dead. (A notable exception here is companies that undergo management buy-outs or buy-ins: we will track them even if a majority stake has been sold to a fund.) From November 2024 onward, we continue to add events to post-exit company profiles, as long as the exited company remains an autonomous company i.e. it continues to operate and has not been entirely subsumed by an acquirer.

What information does Beauhurst collect for companies post-exit?

When companies have exited, we continue to update the following data:

  • Companies House details (but bear in mind the underlying legal entity may have changed post-exit, thus deeming documentation retrieved irrelevant or misleading)

  • Innovate UK, FP7, and H2020 grants

  • Technology information

  • Latest events e.g. fundraisings

What types of companies does Beauhurst not track?

We don't track the company types below, even if they appear to meet one of our triggers:

  • Non-UK companies

  • Purely not-for-profit companies

  • Companies whose shares have been listed on a stock exchange

  • Companies that are majority-owned by a fund or another company

  • 'Project companies', like those formed to create a film, stage play, solar farm, or to undertake a property project

  • Companies co-founded by a fund (unless the fund – such as Syncona – specialises in co-founding science-heavy companies, such as academic spinouts)

By 'UK company' we mean one that is operationally headquartered in the UK and its respective islands. Crown Dependencies and British Overseas Territories are not part of the UK.

'Social enterprises', loosely defined as those for which profit is an aim but not the sole one, are eligible for tracking.

We prefer to link our tracked company profiles to Company Registration Numbers (CRNs) for ultimate parent companies (those that are not owned by another company), not to CRNs for subsidiary companies. We only deviate from this where it appears the ultimate parent is a recent, non-trading entity - in these cases we use the CRN for one of its subsidiaries.

Whilst 'project companies' aren't eligible, companies that do business by carrying out projects are. So a company created to produce a certain film wouldn't be eligible, but a film production company, which may produce that film and others, would be.

What is the difference between a tracked company profile and other profiles in Beauhurst?

We monitor and update tracked profiles as a continuous process. We also collect more data for tracked profiles, including buzzwords, company descriptions, certain transactions, key decision-makers, and more.

Companies that have received Innovate UK grants yet have not met our innovation grant trigger only display information sourced from Companies House. Information on acquirers of tracked companies are typically limited to a name and sometimes Companies House data. Profiles of foreign companies and companies acquired by tracked companies typically have slightly more fleshed out profiles, complete with at least one stage of evolution, appropriate sectors, name and country, though there is some variation.

Why are there Beauhurst profiles for companies that are not and have never been tracked?

We collect varying amounts of data on companies that have not met a Beauhurst tracking trigger if they meet one of the following criteria:

  • Companies that have received Innovate UK grants since 2008

  • Foreign companies that have received equity funding or venture debt from funders that have a Beauhurst profile since January 1st 2011

  • Companies that have acquired or been acquired by tracked companies

  • Companies that have spun out, or been spun out from, Beauhurst-profiled companies

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