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Amazon Business : product publication
Amazon Business : product publication
Charles BARAT avatar
Written by Charles BARAT
Updated over a week ago

BeezUP is compatible Amazon Business.

If your Amazon account is not compatible with Amazon Business and you want to discover this service, clic here to have more details.

Within BeezUP, Amazon Business is a part of our Amazon channels already available. The difference compared to Amazon Consumer lies mainly in your ability to provide information:

- a specific price for companies: "BusinessPrice"

- discounts depending on the volumes ordered: "QuantityPriceType", "QuantityPrice" et "QuantityLowerBound"

- your administrative specifics so that Amazon displays prices excluding VAT and can issue invoices on your behalf

For more information about Amazon Business, see here and the official technical documentation of Amazon.

Below, the specifics fields for Amazon Business and how to fill them correctly:

  • BusinessPrice
    Ce champ contient le prix réservé aux "professionnels", le prix Business doit être inférieur au prix Standard pour qu'il soit publié. Il doit être exprimé par un décimal.

This field contains the price reserved for "professionals", this price must be lower than the Standard price to be published. The price must written with 2 decimals.

  • PricingAction
    Si renseigné à "delete business_price" permet d'effacer

QuantityPriceType, QuantityPriceX et QuantityLowerBoundX
Ces 3 champs, dont la valeur X est comprise entre 1 et 5 permettent de renseigner des réductions en fonction du volume acheté.

  • QuantityPriceType: allow you to set the type of discount: either in % or in value. The accepted value are "percent" or "fixed"

  • QuantityPriceX: decimal that indicate the discount (either in % or in value) if the purchased quantity is between the values set on QuantityLowerBoundX and QuantityLowerBoundX+1.

  • QuantityLowerBoundX: integer that indicate the threshold from which the discount indicate in the field QuantityPriceX is offered.

Example with "QuantityPriceType" to "percent"

QuantityPrice1 : 5.00
QuantityLowerBound1 : 3
QuantityPrice2 : 10.00
QuantityLowerBound2 : 6
QuantityPrice3 : 15.00
QuantityLowerBound3 : 9

Below the prices of each product according to the type of customer and the quantity purchased:

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