If you are insured with The Co-operators, The Reformulary drug plan is a multi-tiered drug formulary. A formulary is a list of drugs showing what is covered.
Developed by Reformulary Group, it uses the latest evidence to make smarter coverage choices for prescription drugs, based on efficacy, safety, and cost.
The drugs listed on this plan were chosen by a group of physicians and pharmacists based on a thorough review of clinical and cost evidence.
To find out if your drug is covered under the plan, please call The Co-operators at 1-800-667-8164 for help OR search online Reformulary.com/DrugFinder and search the type of drug by name or use the DIN if you have the number. You can also search for the drug within your profile at Co-operators Benefits Now at http://www.cooperators.ca.
If your drug is not on the list, you may still have coverage for drug - find out by calling The Co-operators at 1-800-667-8164 or visiting your account at http://www.cooperators.ca.
Learn more about Reformulary by watching these video resources:
Learn how much money plan members have saved by partnering with Reformulary: