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Paid Publication

How to start a paid publication & manage its settings

Written by Sania Iqbal
Updated over a week ago

(Admins only)

Table of Contents

Admins can create a new paid publication and its homepage site for our paid content clients using the Paid Publication feature.

Creating a new Paid Publication

  1. Through the Navigational Menu click Publications

  2. In the top right corner, click New Publication

  3. Select Paid Publication

  4. Complete the form and click Create

Inviting new writers to a Paid Publication

Any new users associated with a group publication should have an individual contributor page also referred to as a people page. The URL to these pages would follow the following structure:

In order to create a new people page, the user has to be invited through the publication.

Note: Any existing user added to a group publication will not automatically get a people page. Please reach out to Product if a page is needed.

  1. Navigate to the Publication

  2. Navigate to the Members

  3. Click on the + icon

  4. Click Invite New

  5. Fill out the required information

  6. Check the URL to ensure the page works. It may need to be published.

Managing the Settings of a Paid Publication

How to Create & Assign Stories to Tabs

  1. Navigate to the Publication's Details

  2. Add a New Tab

    1. Note: they can be re-arranged by dragging and dropping

  3. Once all the Tabs have been created, Update the Publication

  4. Navigate to the story that needs to be assigned to a Tab

  5. Within the publish menu, select the Tab it applies to

  6. Save or Publish the story

To Remove a Story from a Tab

  1. Navigate to the story that needs to be removed from a Tab

  2. Within the publish menu, unselect the Tab is appears in

  3. Save or Update the story

Managing the order of the Contributor List

Contributing writers are shown on the Publication's page on the right-hand side. The writers that appear on this list can be controlled and re-ordered in Bertie. To manage this list:

  1. Navigate to the Publication

  2. Navigate to the Members

  3. To hide a writer hover over the row and click the (...) ellipses icon

    1. Click Hide from view

  4. To show a writer hover over the row and click the (...) ellipses icon

    1. Click Show in view

  5. To re-order the writers, drag and drop them to the desired order

    1. Note: You can only re-order the writers that show up on

    2. The first seven writers will be featured on the Publication homepage without expanding the list

  6. To remove a writer hover over the row and click the (...) ellipses icon

    1. Click Remove from group

How to change the Publication's URL

Please refer to this helpful article.

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