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Anchors Links and Navigation

How to create a navigation

Bertie avatar
Written by Bertie
Updated over a week ago

How To Add An Anchor Link To Text:

  • Highlight the desired text

  • Select Anchor Tag in the text formatting menu

    • This will automatically apply H2 styling

  • Text is now underlined with a visual indicator that an anchor link is applied to the text

How To Remove An Anchor Link From Text:

  • Click on the desired text

  • Unselect Anchor Tag in the text formatting menu

    • This will automatically remove the H2 styling

  • Text is returned to body text

  • Additionally, to remove all the anchor links at once, you can hover over the navigation bar, and within the ellipses menu click Remove

Showing The Navigation Bar:

  • Once a word has been set as an anchor, a navigation bar will appear above the hero

    • If there are fewer than 3 anchor links, the navigation bar will not appear when you publish the article.

    • There is no maximum limit

  • The order of the text in the Navigation Bar will follow the chronological order of the anchor links in the body.

Styling The Navigation Bar

Navigation Bar

  • Background color = page accent color

Anchor Link Names in Bar

  • Text color = page background-color

  • Font = accent font


  • Arrows = page accent color

  • Circle = page background color

    • No Hover = page background color

    • Hover = 50% transparency

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