It is free to set up and start accepting donations using a Better Giving account. No upfront costs or yearly subscriptions.
Better Giving funds this from the donations that donors make to Better Giving's own 501c3.
(Unless a nonprofit wants to not have donors donate to Better Giving, in which case there's a flat 1.5% fee on donations).
Blockchain transaction fees over which we have no control may apply to crypto transactions. This is the same for external financial transaction costs such as that may be charged by payment providers. Donors are able to cover those costs as well.
Fiscal Sponsorship: For non-US charities, wanting to benefit from US donors, this extra service costs 2.9% of all donations.
Sustainability Fund Fees
Assets under management fees: 0.85% Annually of total in the sustainability fund
Performance Fees: 9% of investment gains over a 5% hurdle rate
To donate to Better Giving now and help keep the service free for other nonprofits, you can do this right here using our online donation form.