It's quite easy to edit your page - just take a look at the instructions below or watch the short videos:
Log in to your account
Click 'my organization'
Click 'Edit Profile'
Scroll down to 'Description of your organization'
Edit your words
If you're happy, make sure the page is published on the marketplace by clicking 'publish profile' at the bottom of the page
'Submit Changes' and you're done!
The total character count is 4000 characters.
For large scale changes, or new text, we suggest you write that in a document and then copy and paste it into the profile. Then 'tidy up' the text once it is in the profile editor. This avoids any internet connection issues wasting your time!
Suggestions for easier reading:
Take a look at our 'demo page' for some inspiration and idea about the 'Better Giving Metrics'.
Don't use large blocks of text - those are hard to read on screen.
Break up the text with headers in bold, bullet lists or numbered lists
Use plenty of paragraphs.
Donors always like seeing examples of how their money is spent - maybe choose some projects and approximate costs.
Add in your 'Better Giving Metric' - choose something easy to understand and scale up - recognising of course that what you do is FAR more than can be summarised ONLY in one metric, but it sometimes helps donors.
Don't forget to publish the page!