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Sidebar reference

In this article, you'll about each setting of the Back Office's sidebar.

Betty Blocks avatar
Written by Betty Blocks
Updated over a year ago


This is a legacy document. The features described below are only usable within the classic-generation environment.

Currently, Betty Blocks offers faster and more advanced options that are available in next-gen. Before you start working on some new features in your application, consider doing it using the next-gen version. Good luck!

Sections in the Back office

Sections are grouped views in your back office. You can see them as collections of views. You can group different grids, dashboards, or pages into one section.
You can create a new section by typing a non-existing name for Section when adding the view or add the view to an existing section by entering the section’s name. Sections are added in alphanumeric order (0-9, A-Z).

Remove sections in the Back office

When a section doesn’t have any grids, pages, or dashboards, it will be automatically removed.

Fold section: Fold/unfold a section to hide the views.
Gear: Enter the specific view settings.
+ Add Grid: Click this button to add a new grid.
+ Add Page: Click this button to add a new page.
+ Add Dashboard: Click this button to add a new page. To be deprecated.

Collapse sidebar button: To collapse/expand the application’s sidebar.

Imports: In this tab, you can find all import results. More information about imports can be found here: Importing data.
Downloads: In this tab, you can find all composed export files. More information about exports can be found here: Exporting data. All Pdf merge action events with Store as download set to true will also store the PDF file here.

Edit main tab

Clicking the gear button on a View within the sidebar opens the View's settings.

Name: Edit the name of the view.
Section: Choose a name for the section. Enter a non-existing title for a new section or choose an existing section to add it there.
Role: Select a role(s) for access to this specific grid. Only users with one of the selected roles will be able to see the view.
Use: Select an existing view, or create a new one. -New-will create a new view depending on the selected model.
Default filter: Apply a filter that affects the displayed data, at all times. When a grid filter is (de)selected, this filter remains active.
Default selected filter: Select one of the custom-made filters that were created in the grid view.
Default order: Add order rules that affect the displayed data by ascending or descending order. Evaluated in the order they’re added.
Enable offline: With this setting enabled, the option to cache your data becomes available, when you don't have a stable internet connection. When your internet connection is reinstated, your data will be synchronized.
Icon: Select an icon of your choice for the grid we’re creating.
Save: By clicking the button, the grid will be saved.
Delete: By clicking the button, the grid will be deleted.

Add grid

Clicking the + Add grid button in the sidebar opens a modal to add a new grid.

Model: Select the model from which the grid is derived.
Name: Choose a name for the grid, usually the name of the model where we are getting the data from.
Section: Choose a name for the section. Enter a non-existing title for a new section or choose an existing section to add it there.
Role: Select a role(s) for access to this specific grid, if no role is selected, the grid will not show.
Use: Select an existing view, or create a new one. -New- will create a new view depending on the selected model.
Default filter: Apply a filter that affects the displayed data, at all times. When a grid filter is (de)selected, this filter remains active.
Default selected filter: Select one of the custom-made filters, that was created in the grid view.
Default order: Adding order rules that affect displayed data by ascending or descending the order. Evaluated in the order they’re added.
Enable offline: With this setting enabled, the option to cache your data becomes available, when you don't have a stable internet connection. When your internet connection is reinstated, your data will be synchronized.
Icon: Select an icon of your choice for the grid we’re creating.
Save: By clicking the button, the new grid will be added.

Add page

Clicking the + Add page button in the sidebar opens a modal to add a new page.

Name: Choose a name for the page.
Section: Choose a name for the section. Enter a non-existing title for a new section or choose an existing section to add it there.
Role: Select a role(s) for access to this specific grid, if no role is selected, the grid will not show.
Icon: Select an icon of your choice for the grid we’re creating.
Save: By clicking the button, the new grid will be added.

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