This is a legacy document. The features described below are only usable within the classic-generation environment.
Currently, Betty Blocks offers faster and more advanced options that are available in next-gen. Before you start working on some new features in your application, consider doing it using the next-gen version. Good luck!
After reading this article you will know:
How to use information from the performance monitoring to determine what to optimize
βBefore reading this article, read the basic information about performance monitoring here
Looking for clues
Whenever you see that your action is underperforming you can look into the monitoring to see when this has started. If you have just built the action, you can look which events in your action are taking up a lot of time and focus on these events. If this is an older action, you can find the date that the underperformance started in the graph. Open the changes of the action and search for changes around this date. The changes made might be slowing the action down.
You can run your action directly with the run button in the top menu. Setup the monitoring to show the last hour of activity, then run the action once. Now you can change events in your action and run it again after each change. The graph should tell you if you've made the action faster or slower.
For more performance tips, take a look at HowTo improve overall app performance