This is a legacy document. The features described below are only usable within the classic-generation environment.
Currently, Betty Blocks offers faster and more advanced options that are available in next-gen. Before you start working on some new features in your application, consider doing it using the next-gen version. Good luck!
After reading this article you will know:
What online users are about
What you can do in this view
When you want to use these features
Online users
You'll find the tab online users in the tools menu. This view is only available for users that have builder rights and have read rights on the user model. It shows information about all active users in the application.
You'll be able to see the following information about the current users:
Online since
Builder (Does the user have builder rights?)
There are 2 actions which you can trigger on users from the user presence view:
Send Alert
βSend a message to the selected user. You can enter:
type (error, info, question, success, warning)
Info text
Button text
You can preview the message by pressing preview. The user will receive the message directly after clicking send.
βLogs out the selected user. The user will have to login again to access the app.
When to use
The alerts are mostly used to warn users before an application is being merged. Then, right before merging, you log off all users. They will then log back in to the new environment.
This can also be used to tell users about current problems and warn them not to use some functions.