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Custom endpoints
User-defined URLs used to execute custom code or perform specific actions based on incoming requests
What are endpoints, templates and partials?Overview of endpoints, templates and partials and how you use them.
Using HTTP methods on web pages (endpoints)Explains the different HTTP methods that can be selected for use with endpoints.
HowTo submit a file through a page form using custom HTMLHow can I submit a file through a form using custom HTML?
What are request variables?How can I use incoming request data?
Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)What is a CSRF tag, and what is it used for?
HowTo use the Liquid Template Language to display dynamic content on your templates
Custom pages overview ReferenceThis article contains all the information you need to know about each setting within the pages overview.
Custom HTML ReferenceThis article contains all the information you need to know about each setting within a Custom HTML Page.
Template Language Reference (Liquid)