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Flow Split Blocks
Updated over a week ago

Conditionals (if/else) block

  • Conditional blocks are like if/else blocks, which can be used to check for conditions within a flow.

  • Typical use cases:

    • In the below on the right we are checking whether customer name exists or not for the user.

    • Check for a particular product id / collection id in the flow - Set up specific cross/up/resell on your hero product

    • Split the flow basis certain order/customer tags

Filter block

  • Filter block can be used to filter users in a flow basis user properties (ex: their phone number, total orders placed, source etc)

  • Typical filters that can be applied are:

    • First order date

    • Last order date

    • RFM segments

    • Average and total order value

    • New vs. Returning customers (through total order count)

    • Customer city/state

    • Customer tag as defined on BIK or shopify

    • Exact customer id (email/phone)

    • Customer marketing consent on sms/whatsapp/email

    • Total messages sent

AB Testing

<coming soon>

Cancel trigger

  • Cancel trigger can be used to stop the execution of any Journey for that user, if a particular event happens.

  • So essentially we can set another event as a trigger to cancel the execution of a Journey.

  • Brands can setup Cancel triggers, while setting the main configuration for a trigger.

  • For example, in the above scenario, currently there is no trigger set to cancel this Journey.

  • The main trigger for this Journey is ‘Abandoned cart’.

  • We have set ordered event as a cancel trigger for this Journey.

  • So now, if an ordered event gets triggered for a particular user, then execution of this Journey for that user, will stop.

  • You can also set multiple events as cancel triggers. If any one of them gets triggered during the Journey execution, then the Journey for that user will be canceled.

Trigger frequency

  • This feature can be used to set a limit on the number of times a Journey can be triggered for a particular user within a specified duration of time.

  • Lets take the example of Abandoned browse journey:

    • Say a user is visiting products (PDP pages) on a web-store.

    • Each PDP page visit will trigger a Product viewed event.

    • This event can be used to set an abandoned browse journey.

    • We can check for an order placed event after 20-30 mins, and if the user has not placed any order we can send him a reminder message with some discount code.

    • But since each product page visit will trigger an event, this might trigger multiple abandoned browse journeys.

    • So we can set a frequency of 1 per hour to limit the execution of multiple journeys of same type for the user. This will protect us from spamming the user.

Evaluate block

With evaluate block mathematical operations can be applied on variables. Typical operations are below:

  1. Addition : <Varible> + <variable> OR <variable> + <static value>

  2. Substraction : <Varible> - <variable> or <variable> - <static value>

  3. Multiplication : <Varible> * <variable> or <variable> * <static value>

  4. Division : <Varible> / <variable> or <variable> / <static value>

  5. Mod : <Varible> % <variable> or <variable> % <static value>

  6. Greater or less than: Variable > Variable / static or (above 5 expressions) > <varialbe> / Static value

Typical use cases:

  1. To build a quiz where mathematical operation is involved

  2. Split the flow basis the order value - (Order[total] * 0.05) > 100

  3. Define the discount to be given in end to end discount basis the order value

  4. Check the current time and split the flow / action


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