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Generic Action Blocks
Updated over a week ago

Delay block

Delay by

  • A delay block simply pauses the execution of the flow for the specified time period.

  • We can configure delay time in either minutes, hours or days

Use cases

  • Delay of a few minutes or hours is added after any store events like page view or abandon cart

  • Typically used for retargeting messages after 24 hours of 2-3 days across revenue generating flows like abandon cart, page view drop, cross/upsell etc.

Delay Till

  • Delay messages till a specific day of the week or time

Use cases

  • Typically used for delaying the message till a specific time

  • With a condition block of checking current time, this block can also be applied to achieve DND hours

Start a flow block

  • ‘Start a flow’ block can be used to trigger another journey from the current running journey.

  • One key example of this capability is to have a single ‘agent assign’ flow and call this flow across other major chat/automation flows.

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