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Other Action Blocks
Updated over a week ago





Fetch Product By Id

Retrieves a product by its unique identifier.


Fetch Order By Id

Retrieves an order by its unique identifier.

Apply Discount On Draft Order

Applies a discount to a draft order.

Mark Order As Paid

Marks an order as paid.

Fetch Orders For Customer

Retrieves all orders for a specific customer.

Cancel Order

Cancels an existing order.

Create Draft Order

Creates a new draft order.

Complete Draft Order

Completes a draft order and creates a new order.

Update Shipping Address For Order

Updates the shipping address for an existing order.

Update Shipping Address For Draft Order

Updates the shipping address for a draft order.

Apply Shipping On Draft Order

Applies shipping charges to a draft order.

Fetch Order By Name

Retrieves an order by its name.

Create Draft Order From Order Id

Creates a new draft order based on an existing order.

Update order tags for draft order

Update order tags for a draft order

Promo codes

Fetch Promocodes

Retrieves a list of all promotional codes.

Create Discount Code

Creates a new discount code.

Create Price Rule

Creates a new price rule.


Create Review

Creates a new review for a product.


Cancel Sale Order

Cancels a sale order in Unicommerce.

Verify Sale Order

Verifies a sale order in Unicommerce.

Search Sale Order

Searches for sale orders in Unicommerce.


Create ShopFlo Payment Link

Creates a payment link for a draft order using Shopflo.


Get User

Retrieves a user's information.

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