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Copy, Paste, Delete Multiple Nodes
Updated over a week ago

Now COPY, PASTE, and DELETE multiple nodes within or across journeys seamlessly.

Also now ‘esc’ key shortcut works to close certain overlays/popups - we will be adding more shortcut supports in future

A few call outs: The journey channel should remain same. Empty nodes can’t be copied. Certain complex nodes like browse block can’t be copied.

Also remember to update variables post-pasting.

Check out the attached video for a step-by-step guide.

How to Copy:

  1. Select Nodes: Hold down the Shift key and drag your mouse to encompass the nodes you want to copy.

  2. Copy / Paste Action: Release the Shift key, then press Cmd+C (for macOS) or Ctrl+C (for Windows) and Cmd+P (for macOS) or Ctrl+P (for Windows)

  3. Use ‘Delete’ button on Windows/Mac for delete node action while the nodes are selected

This feature supports both Windows and macOS on Chrome browser

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