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Picking a bike up

Bike pick-up

Updated over 4 months ago

You can pick up a bike with the 'bikeMi' app in two ways.

First of all, log in the App and activate the geolocation.

Then, you can choose automatic assignment:

Get closer to the station;

Select the station in the map;

Select the type of bike you want to use (choosing between traditional, electric or electric with child seat);

System will show the slot number.

Other, you can choose a specific bike throughout qrcode placed on the bike frame:

In the map click on the button 'Qrcode';

Read the code, the system will check if bike is available.

Pick up the bike from the slot, quickly check wheels and brakes, adjust the saddle and go!

Every annual subscriber who already owned a bikeMi card can continue to use the card itself as an alternative to the app for enjoing the service. The same holds true for all those customers who have associated the ATM card to their bikeMi profile.

Anyway, the suggestion remains the one of using the 'bikeMi' app; a smart tool which grants a fast and effective user experience 👌

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