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Transfer Credit

How to transfer credit to Antioch School bachelor programs

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Written by Antioch School
Updated over a week ago

Transfer credit may be used to fulfill the General Education and Electives requirements of bachelor-level programs.

B.Min. and B.Th. students seeking to transfer credit to their Antioch School program should contact their institution to have them send an official transcript to the Antioch School.

Once the official transcript is received, the Antioch School Records team will review the transcript and inform the student of transfer credits that can be applied. Transfer credits will then be applied to the student's program in BILD Cloud with student's confirmation.

A transcript is considered official when received directly from the student's institution.

Official paper transcripts can be mailed to our address: 2400 Oakwood Rd, Ames, IA 50014. Official e-transcripts can be emailed to us at 

Note: transfer credit may not be used for masters- or doctoral-level degree programs.

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