Tips for Competency 1:
“Design an approach to studying the whole counsel of God and discovering, systematizing, and articulating its central message.”
You may use any evidence you have to demonstrate competency.
Most students start with the Projects associated with Unit 1, particularly the projects for Issues 1. However, exemplary demonstrations of competency rarely come from the first project in the first unit of the course. Rather, they come from revisions of the initial work, such as happens with the project for Unit 1 Issue 2 as you focus on various audiences and with the project for Unit 2 Issues 1 and 2 as you develop your understanding and articulation of the central message.
Tips for Competency 2:
“Summarize the basic message of the Scriptures, including key strands (i.e. themes, motifs) and/or historical movements, in the form of a basic statement, summarized in a chart or graph.”
You may use any evidence you have to demonstrate competency.
The project for Unit 2 Issue 2 calls for you to work on the key strands. However, exemplary demonstrations of competency will be revised versions of this project based on further insight that comes from Unit 3’s focus on covenants and Unit 4’s emphasis on continuity of the Old and New Testaments which will help to refine your basic statement.
Tips for Competency 3:
“Surface the basic issues of tension between the Old and New Testaments, studying the basic lines of continuity and discontinuity between the Testaments on each issue.”
You may use any evidence you have to demonstrate competency.
Unit 4 is all about continuity and discontinuity. However, the projects for Unit 4 draw your attention to matters which remain unsettled and your work in previous Units. Although you aren’t explicitly asked to write a project in the BILD course on the tension between Old and New Testaments, you do need to capture evidence of your competency in this area to earn Antioch School credit. Most students present refined versions of their notes from the Theological Readings and Socratic Discussions.
Tips for Competency 4:
“Translate the central message of the Bible into a “worldview manifesto,” which can serve as a guide for our lives, bringing our life direction and goals into harmony with this worldview.”
You may use any evidence you have to demonstrate competency.
This competency is a culmination of the entire Leadership Series I set of courses, as well as for this particular course. The project for Unit 5 Issue 1 is the foundation of evidence of this competency. However, it should be refined with the work done for the projects of Unit 5 Issues 2 and 3.