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Leadership Series Courses FAQ

Answers to common questions

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Written by Antioch School
Updated over a week ago

How do I know what to put in my e-Portfolio for Leadership Series courses?

  • It can be anything that you think demonstrates the competencies listed on the Portfolio Transcript or e-Portfolio for your degree program. In most cases, students post projects from the Leadership Series course itself, but note that projects from early in the course usually need to be revised and refined to best demonstrate your competency. See the FAQs regarding particular courses for further advice. However, it could be projects from other Leadership Series courses), work done for classes with other institutions or organizations, practical tools developed for actual ministry, notes from Socratic discussions, and more. The point is whether evidence has been demonstrated according to the criteria and rubrics of the Student Competency Assessment Guide.

The same Leadership Series courses listed for both the B.Min. and M.Min. programs. What is the difference between Masters- and Bachelors-level? If I graduate with a B.Min., do I have to take the courses again in my M.Min. program?

  • Bachelor-level students must demonstrate each competency in a manner that is clear, thorough (covering all parts of the competency), substantive, accurate, and meets at least one other criteria. Masters-level students must also demonstrate competency according by showing interaction with relevant resources and reflection related to ministry experience, as well as at least one other criteria (creative, critical, collaborative). Generally, students who demonstrate competency for a course in their B.Min. programs do not have to take the course again in their M.Min. programs, but they are expected to do additional reading and reflection on ministry implications in order to demonstrate the additional competencies.

How do I know whether my demonstration of competency is satisfactory?

  • Please make sure to use the Student Competency Assessment Guide as points of reference throughout your Antioch School competency-based program because it provides criteria and rubrics for assessment. These same criteria and rubrics are now built into the new e-Portfolio.

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