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Assessment FAQ

Answers to common questions

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Written by Antioch School
Updated over 3 years ago

What is the difference between BILD Leadership Series courses and Antioch School competencies?

  • The objectives of BILD Leadership Series courses are the same as Antioch School competencies. Technically, the Antioch School doesn’t have courses, BILD does. The Antioch School has competencies that are designed to be developed and demonstrated through work in BILD Leadership Series courses, but they can be developed and demonstrated in any way.

  • Leadership Series courses are resources from BILD that are used by church leaders for development of others through church-based theological education.

  • Antioch School competencies are opportunities to earn cultural currency (credit toward degrees) for the learning that takes place associated with Leadership Series courses from BILD.

How do we know what to put in the BILD Cloud e-Portfolio for assessment to earn credit as Antioch School students?

  • Pay close attention to the items listed in the Portfolio Transcript for your degree program. You must put evidence of these competencies in your BILD Cloud e-Portfolio.

  • Pay close attention also to the Student Competency Assessment Guide. It provides criteria and rubrics to help you know whether your evidence of competency will be satisfactory. Note that in addition to the general criteria and rubrics for Leadership Series courses, there are also specific criteria and rubrics for each Leadership Series course.

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