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A.I. Powered Advertising Agency Accelerator
How do I log into Skool?
How do I log in to Canvas?
How do I upload my assignment to Discussions?
Can I come to the studio in person?
How do I find the link for class?
Can I use the mobile app?
How do I use Canvas?
How can I see if all my work is turned in?
How do I find A.I. Accelerator Tuesday training replay?
When is Office Hours hosted and how do I join?
I forgot my Canvas password, how do I reset it?
How do I create my Canvas profile to start in the A.I. Accelerator class?
What happens to my A.I. Accelerator access after the 16 weeks?
Is there a Facebook group for the A.I. Accelerator?
When is my homework due?
Can I turn my homework in late?
How to I send a message in Canvas/contact my Student Advisor?