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Catenda Hub Navisworks plugin
Julien Benoit avatar
Written by Julien Benoit
Updated over a month ago

Note: The install file for the plugin can be found in this article.

The following topics will be described in this article:

About the plugin

The Catenda Hub add-in for Autodesk® Navisworks® is the perfect tool for projects collaborating in Catenda Hub. All your issues are synchronized in real-time between Navisworks and Catenda Hub, letting you create, access, share, and communicate issues. The issue format is BCF so that the issues can be shared across any BCF enabled BIM software or platform.

This add-in allows you to visualize, create, and edit issues seamlessly from within Navisworks. You can also download and federate the IFC model stored in Catenda Hub to your local client.

Features include:

  • Access to all your Catenda projects

  • Filter and manage issues across issue boards

  • Create new issues directly from Navis Works

  • Locate issues in your Navisworks model

  • Create a new 3D view for each comment

  • Create BCF issues from clashes found using the Clash detective

  • Assign issues to other project members

  • Change issue status and other properties

Cloud-based Collaboration

Catenda Hub brings your construction data to life in a cloud-based collaboration platform spanning the full building life cycle. Bimsync manages your project information from the outset to handover and beyond, ensuring data and knowledge retention across all project phases.

Open standards

Catenda Hub is a BIM collaboration tool with support for all of the buildingSMART standards (IFC, bSDD, BCF, COBie). It comes with a range of APIs for easy implementation into your own software.

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