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Frequently Asked Questions
Here you find answers to questions that many users run into
Giving a user access to a single folder
What is a CDE (Common Data Environment)?
Where can I find the GUID for the IFC-object?
Which revision of a model will be opened when I click on a bookmark?
Is it possible to give a user read-only rights?
How can I find which model an object belongs to?
How can I make one model show fully, while making all other models semi-transparent?
How can I export IFCs?
I have a large IFC file. Should I use Solibri Optimizer before uploading the files to Catenda Hub?
Is there a size limit for IFC-files?
What are models in Catenda?
How can I link a document to an object in Catenda Hub?
Previewing file types on Catenda Hub
Can a standard member invite new members to a project?
How can I invite a member?
Why am I still not receiving notifications after checking all the boxes?
How can I remove a group connected to a label?
How can I show spaces in Catenda Hub?
Resizing of columns
Where to find notifications
Exporting all project data
Project Security
3D location of models
3D DWG export manual
Sorting order of lists
Tendering in Catenda
Catenda SharePoint FAQ
Organization tool FAQ