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Binance.US to provide XRP balance snapshots in advance of Flare distribution
Binance.US to provide XRP balance snapshots in advance of Flare distribution
Updated over 3 weeks ago

In support of Binance.US XRP holders, Binance.US will provide XRP balance snapshots for Binance.US users, allowing users to then opt-in to the Flare Network distribution of SPARK in 2021.

How to participate:

Users that have XRP balances above 10 XRP held on the Binance.US platform at the time of the snapshot will be eligible for a distribution of SPARK directly from the Flare Network at a later date.

  • Deposit XRP to Binance.US

    • Please remember you MUST include the Address + the TAG when sending XRP to Binance.US. If you fail to use the TAG when you deposit, your deposit may not arrive on time.

When will the snapshot take place?

Your XRP balance snapshot will take place at a timestamp greater than or equal to 12/12/2020 00:00 AM (UTC), which is December 11, 2020 at 7pm EST / 4pm PST (the “Snapshot Period”).
Note: XRP deposits and withdrawals will be suspended starting December 11th, 2020 at 5pm EST / 2pm PST for the duration of the Snapshot Period into December 12th, 2020. Trading will not be affected during this time, but for your XRP to qualify for the snapshot, it needs to be in your Binance.US balance ahead of the Snapshot Period. Any XRP in orders will not be eligible.

What do I need to know?

  • XRP tokens that are pending deposit or withdrawal at the time of the snapshot will not count towards your XRP balance. Please ensure that you leave sufficient time for deposits and withdrawals to complete prior to the snapshot.

  • Snapshots of XRP balances under 10 XRP (including those in trade orders) will not be recorded.

  • Providing snapshots to XRP holders’ does not guarantee the listing of SPARK on Binance.US.

We will post further instructions after the Snapshot Period to detail next steps for claiming distribution directly from the Flare Network.

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