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Setting up SPA center calendar - *Multiple rooms / therapists
Setting up SPA center calendar - *Multiple rooms / therapists
Sharon Brakha avatar
Written by Sharon Brakha
Updated over a week ago


Here is how you can setup a calendar for a SPA center with multiple rooms & practitioners. 


What it looks like 


How to setup

1. Create multiple calendars (Path: E-Commerce > Calendars)

  • Names: Virginie / Eloise   

  • Availability: Set opening hours for each (Virginie from 10am to 8pm - Eloise doesn't work on Thursdays )

  • Blocked dates: Block certain days from calendar

  • Max per slot: 1 each 

  • Max per day: Depends on your practitioners

2. Associate to a treatment ( ex. Californian Massage )

  • Open Californian Massage service and click on Calendar 

  • Link: yes, to both calendars Virginie & Eloise

  • Event duration: yes - Set duration of the treatment - Ex. 60min

  • Availability increments: Depends on your operations. If you set 60min, customers can book every hour (10am - 11am - 12pm...)

  • Buffer before event: Depends on your operations and time you need to prepare room

  • Buffer after event: Depends on your operations and time you need to clean room

  • Extra time: Depends if you allow customer to book longer massage (1h30, 2h...)

  • Booking rules availability: depends on your operations

  • Minimum schedule notice: depends on your operations. 

3. Associate to all similar treatments at once

  • Select all treatments, similar to Californian Massage,  under E-Commerce > Services 

  • Click on "Bulk action" button

  • Apply same calendar settings as "Californian Massage"

All your treatments are now ready to be booked.



  • About "Bulk Action", make sure to select treatments with exact same parameters as the service you are copying - including the duration of the event.


Video Tutorial 

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