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Integrate with Slack

Get alerted about new orders in Slack

Sharon Brakha avatar
Written by Sharon Brakha
Updated over a week ago


You can easily track all of your Blackbell activity straight from your Slack application.
With our Blackbell / Slack integration, you can: 

  • Get notified in Slack when a new order comes in

  • Manage orders straight from Slack: Get to the order page in one click

  • Track your suppliers's activity and the commissions you're making

Here’s how to get started:


Integrate with Slack

First, go to your Alerts section. 

Path: E-Commerce > Manage > Setup > Team & Alerts > Slack alerts

Then go to the "Slack alerts" sub-section and click on "Add to Slack"

Next, sign into the Slack account you’d like to integrate, and authorize Blackbell's access to Slack. 

Once authorized, the following message will be displayed. 

You will see two new channels in your Slack: bb-orders and bb-suppliers-orders.

It's done. You will now be able to track your Blackbell activity on Slack. 


#bb-orders: Get Slack notifications for new orders 

The bb-orders Slack channel will notify you when you get a new order. A new order can come directly from your app or from a marketplace you have joined.

The moment your receive a new order, it will be posted to this channel.

Here is how a Slack alert looks like

One item ordered - With coupon redeemed and associated calendar

Multiple items ordered

Order placed via a marketplace you have joined

About the data being displayed

For Direct Orders 

  • Blackbell app: This is your app - where the service belongs and from where you can manage the order

  • Via: It tells you where the order comes from. Either your app ("Direct") or a marketplace app you have joined ("Marketplace")

  • Order: All items that have been ordered

  • Order Number: This is the order unique identifier. Click on the order number to get access to the order page from where you can manage the order

  • Department alerted: All departments that have been notified about the order

  • Total: Total order amount

  • Payment method: Can be stripe, external (offline payment) or post to bill (if enabled)

  • Scheduled for: When the order is scheduled for

  • Calendar: Only if the ordered service is associated to a calendar. Clicking on the calendar name will take you directly to the calendar page

  • Customer: View customer's name. Clicking on the customer name will take you directly to the customer page

  • Coupon: Only if a coupon has been redeemed on this order: Clicking on the coupon name will take you directly to the coupon page

For Marketplace Orders

  • Commission shared: This tells you exactly how much you agreed to share with the marketplace, in % and in $ value. 


#bb-suppliers-orders: Get Slack notifications for suppliers orders  

✅ This only applies to Blackbell customers who have been building a marketplace with us. 

The  bb-suppliers-orders Slack channel notifies you: 

  • When one of your suppliers receive a new order

  • When one of your suppliers confirms an order

  • The commissions you're making out of your suppliers' orders

Here is how a Slack alert looks like

Level 1 Order
One of your suppliers just received an order placed on your app

Level 2 Order
One of your suppliers just received an order placed on a marketplace you joined

One of your suppliers just confirmed an order
(Green Color Code)

About the data being displayed

  • Supplier: This is the app of the supplier - where the service belongs

  • Via Blackbell app: It tells you from which app the order comes from: your app or a marketplace you joined. Clicking on the app URL will take you directly to the app

  • Marketplace Level: It tells you if this order comes from your app (Level 1) or from a marketplace you joined (Level 2)

  • Supplier managed in: Will always be your app

  • Order: All items that have been ordered

  • Order Number: Click on the order number to get access to the order page. You can only view this order. Only the supplier can manage it

  • Total: Total order amount

  • Commission earned: This is the net commission you are earning after deducing transaction fees

  • Scheduled for: When the order is scheduled for

  • Customer: View customer's name. Clicking on the customer name will take you directly to the customer page

Look at colors! 

Pending vs Confirmed

  • The Orange left bar means your supplier just received a NEW order 

  • The Green left bar means the supplier just confirmed the order


Here are some Slack tips to help you make the most out of our integration

  • Mobile: Make sure to download the Slack mobile app. You'll get instantly notified about new orders on Slack, on the go.

  • Slack Search: The Slack search is very powerful. User the search to look for an order via its order #. Click on "Jump" to go to order. 

  • Reactions: Use Slack reactions to notify your team about order progress. For example that the order has been taken care of...

  • Threads: Use Slack threads to collaborate with your team about an order.

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