When a customer is charged for a service, the amount is instantly added to the amount "available soon" in your Balance report and is available to payout to your Stripe or Transferwise account 7 days after the charge.
View your balances
Path: E-Commerce > Manage > Payments > Balances
Transfer your available balance to Stripe or Transferwise
Setup: Manual or Automatic
Path: E-Commerce > Manage > Setup > Online Payment > Payouts Schedule
Setup the frequency of your payouts. You can change this setting anytime.
If manual is selected, you can trigger the transfers of your available balances under "Balances"
If automatic is selected, view your next payout date under "Balances" . The payout will occur automatically.
Refund and Balance
As refund uses available balance amount, make sure to keep it not empty so you can refunds your customers promptly.