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Add dynamic pricing for your service - more or less expensive depending on calendar dates ( yield )
Add dynamic pricing for your service - more or less expensive depending on calendar dates ( yield )
David Brahka avatar
Written by David Brahka
Updated over a week ago

Sometimes, services are more or less expensive depending on the dates.

Below, we'll show you how to use this Blackbell feature.

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This page includes more details and video on how to setup.

Step 1: Create your service

  • Create a calendar

  • Create a service ( let's call is "Book pool access" )

  • Add price

  • link to calendar

  • setup slot rules ( for ex. Pool access, max 10 bookings per day, slot is 8an to 7pm )

Step 2: duplicate this service

  • Rename service ( for example, "Book pool access (sept)"

  • Edit price

  • Edit Scheduling availability settings to set " only can be booked in August"

Step 3: duplicate again service template of step 1

  • set name, price and scheduling availability like  step 2

Step 4: Add all service in a "Search Services by date" bloc

  • open a page

  • create a block

  • add the services

You're done!

When a user will select a date, he will see the relevant service, and the service price for it.

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