A smart folder consists of a collection of pages around a specific topic and specific tags.
Folders must be created from the "Folder" section in CMS. They can then be added to any page.
Path: E-Commerce > Manage > Setup > Smart folders
How it works
It is all about tagging ! Smart folders will automatically load pages tagged similarly to them.
You must associate tags to a smart folder
All pages tagged with the same tags will be AUTOMATICALLY added to this smart folder.
What it looks like
Block of multiple folders
Focus on the "Dining" folder : Here is what a user will see when opening the "Dining" folder
How to create a smart folder
▶︎ Quick path: E-Commerce > Manage > Setup > Smart Folders
Smart folder elements: Smart folders are all made of a name (visible on folder thumbnails), an image (visible both on the thumbnail and inside the folder page), an icon, a long name, a tagline, tags and pages (visible inside the folder page).
Dining smart folder
Associate a page to a smart folder: There are 2 ways to associate a page to a smart folder:
Automatic: A page will instantly be added to a smart folder if the page is tagged with a tag that is associated to the smart folder. (To tag a page go to Page > Discovery)
Manual: Manually add a page to a smart folder from the smart folder editor
How to make a folder visible in your website
Once you've created a folder, you can add it to any page of your website.
⚠️ A folder won't be visible until you include it manually into a page.