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How pages work
Sharon Brakha avatar
Written by Sharon Brakha
Updated over a week ago


We've made it extremely easy to create and add pages to your Blackbell platform.
To create a page, you can start:

  • from a blank page

  • by duplicating a page template

Option 1: Create a blank page

▶︎  Quick path: E-Commerce > Manage > Pages

Your page is created the moment you enter its name. You will then be able to edit its content.

Keep in mind that all pages are made of:

✓a header: picture, title and tagline. The page tagline is optional.

content blocks:

  • text

  • image

  • image gallery

  • PDF

  • link

  • video

  • map

  • products & services

⚠️  New pages created will automatically be in draft mode. Check out our article on how to manage page visibility to put new pages online.

Option 2: Create a page by duplicating a page template

By selecting the template option, you will have access to a large database of page templates.

Select your template by thematic. Example of page template:  "My restaurant", "About us"...

Preview of some page templates

  • Always preview the template before importing it to make sure it fits

  • Import your page in one click

  • Once imported, you can start editing your page


Learn how to add and manage content on Blackbell 

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