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Live Chat
About Blackbell's Live Chat
About Blackbell's Live Chat
Sharon Brakha avatar
Written by Sharon Brakha
Updated over a week ago


As soon as your platform is live, you can very easily add a live chat and start receiving live messages form visitors or customers.

Your admin interface lets you very clearly view, process and answer messages. 

⚠️  As of now, live chat is only available for signed-in users 


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Prerequisite: Setup Chat Groups

To enable a live chat on your platform, you must first setup chat groups. 

To learn how to setup chat groups, visit our dedicated section.

About your mailbox

▶︎ Quick path: E-Commerce > Messages > Mailbox

To make messages management easy, we've organized messages in sub-sections:

  • Inbox: where you receive all new conversations and new messages inside ongoing conversations

  • Processing: where you see all your ongoing conversations 

  • Search module: where you can search for any conversations using our pre-defined filters or by customizing your search

What a message page looks like 

Each message page includes the following information & action types:

  • Status: pending, processing, closed

  • User details: name, email, stay details (if establishment type is host)

  • Chat window: messages exchanged between your team and visitor

  • Internal actions: let you specify the priority level of the message: to be handled as soon as possible - ASAP, an action is required - Action, waiting a reply - w-REPLY)

Reply to a message

We often say the sooner the better. It also works for messages!
When a new message arrives, it must be quickly processed by your team and a reply must be quickly sent to the user.  

Any action your staff will do (reply to the message or edit its label), will automatically process the message and therefore change its statuts into Processing.

It's also possible to manually change the status of a message. Learn more about how to handle a message.

Notification about a new message

An email will instantly notify you about a new message.

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