How refunds work
Refunds are sourcing funds from your available balances.
Why refunds fail
If your available balance does not have enough funds to place the refund, you will see a fail message. Next step is to wait until available balance reach the amount you'd like to refund.
How to issue a refund
Directly from the order page
Open the related order
Select the payment you want to refund
Click on Refund Payment > Select full or partial and enter the corresponding amount you want to refund
You can track the complete refund history by clicking on details
From the Payment logs section (E-Commerce > Manage > Payments Logs)
Here, you can access all the payments you've accepted.
Select the payment you want to refund
Click on "Refund payment" or click on "details" then "refund payment"
You are back to the previous flow
For a given payment, you can refund multiple amounts at multiple times, as long as the total amount refunded does not exceed the total amount initially charged
All refund logs can be tracked from your Blackbell Payment logs section