New requirements for authenticating online payments were introduced, to protect customers and businesses using Blackbell.
Blackbell payment processor ( Stripe ) along with Banks used by your customers will require (depending on some security signals) that some customers verify some payments.
Verification depends on each bank and can be via :
SMS token to enter in the customer bank app
Push notification by the customer bank app
Emails notification by the customer bank
Here is how it works and how it looks for you and your customers:
1. Confirmation required
If a payment requires authentification, you will see a modal :
⚠️ The related order will switch to status: "Waiting for Payment confirmation"
2. Your customer is notified
Your customer is notified via email / push notification and in-app notification:
3. Your customer Verifies payment
Upon clicking on the button "Verify Payment", the customer bank will ask via push notification, email, SMS for validation.
Then, after successful payment the customer will see that payment was successfully processed:
You will also get notified via push notification and email notification:
⚠️ Note that the order will automatically update status to confirmed.