You can easily add an image gallery to your page.
What it looks like
We have 2 layouts for this block
Layout 1: Only few images (up to 5) then "click to view more"- All landscaped
Here are the rules for display:
- Up to 3 images: all in 1 row
- 4 images: 3 in 1 row then 1 in 2nd row
- 5 images: 3 in 1 row then 2 in 2nd row
- More than 5 images: as displayed below
Layout 2: All images displayed - Portrait & Landscaped
Here are the rules for display:
- Up to 4 images: all in 1 row
- Between 5 and 25 images: 3 columns
- More than 25 images: 4 columns, as displayed below
Under "Add block", follow: Image & Video > Add Gallery
How to create an image gallery
You can choose to upload images from:
your computer
your dropbox
a free library of 700,000 HD commercial free pictures - Powered by Pixabay
You can to re-order images and for each of them, edit name, tagline and crop!
User will be able to see the name and tagline of the image when clicking on it.
✂️ Don't forget, your platform is responsive, optimized to fit any device and any screen. Play with our crops to ensure your pictures are too!
What layout should you choose?
If you have many portrait images, go for the "full images" layout