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Options Data Key

Filter toggle, Download tab,Heat Map tab,OI (Open Interest) tab,Volume tab,Field definitions

Hollie avatar
Written by Hollie
Updated over a week ago

NOTICE: Alerts are NOT buy signals. Alerts point to options contracts that are experiencing unusual activity and breaking certain thresholds. Please utilize the many features on the platform to analyze a stock and options contract before placing a trade.

Filter toggle - Filter data to show only the options trades that meet your criteria: puts; calls; different flow types; trades executed on the bid and/or ask; options price; large contract size or trade notional value; weekly expirations; market sectors; and/or security type. Check the items you wish to see.

The Unusual Activity filter identifies activity in stocks that rarely see options activity. This filter will override other filters when it is checked so only unusual activity will be displayed. Uncheck this filter to re-enable the other filters.

Ask and Above Ask filters are enabled by default to specify directionally bullish calls or bearish puts.

Download tab

Data from any of the tabs below can be downloaded to a .csv file for further analysis. Downloads are currently limited to 300 lines. Use filters to limit download lines if necessary.

Heat Map tab

The Heat Map is a graphic representation of the day’s options flow on the Flow Tab. The Heat Map shows the frequency of flow centered around the contract strike price nearest the current price in yellow. Calls (C) are on the left and puts (P) are on the right.

- C0 and P0 columns include all contracts expiring in the current week

- C1 and P1 columns include all contracts expiring the following week

- C2 and P2 columns include all contracts expiring in 2 weeks or more

- Green shading - indicates Bullish Flow (Calls traded on the Ask and Puts traded on the Bid). Cells with the darkest shading indicate areas of the highest trade activity

- Red shading - indicates Bearish Flow (Call traded on the Bid and Puts traded on the Ask)

- Red text - majority of the contracts are traded on the Bid

- Blue text - majority of contracts have traded on the Ask

- Black text - majority of contracts have traded in between the Bid and the Ask

OI (Open Interest) tab

Displays the top 100 calls and puts sorted by the largest increases and decreases in open interest. Use the filter key to see Top Calls, Bottom Calls, Top Puts, and Bottom Puts. OI is today’s current open interest. DOI is the change in open interest from the previous day. Note, a 1 after the stock symbol indicates a non-standard option.

Volume tab

Displays the top 100 stock/index symbols sorted by their total options volume for the day relative to their average volume (based on a 10-day exponential average)

Field definitions:

- SYMBOL - Stock/Index symbol which sometimes includes a number if there is a special issue. Note: our system does not monitor futures, therefore, these symbols will not populate with charts or last trade data

- VOL - Total options volume traded for the day

- C VOL - Total Call options traded for the day

- P VOL - Total Put options traded for the day

- P/C – Ratio of Put volume (P VOL) to Call volume (C VOL)

- AVG VOL – Average volume of all options traded based on a 10-day exponential moving average

- RATIO – Ratio of total volume (VOL) to average volume (AVG VOL)

- COI - Call Open Interest as of market open

- POI - Put Open Interest as of market open

- DCOI - The change in Call Open Interest from the previous day

- DPOI - The change in Put Open Interest from the previous day

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