Sending a copy of the signed contracts to your clients

Signing, settings, signing email templates

Written by Jeroen Cevaal
Updated over a week ago

In the KYC Suite it is possible to send out signature requests to your clients and prospects.

Sending a copy of the signed contracts to your client:

While starting the signature request, you will find a checkbox indicating "Send signed contracts to client". When selected, we will automatically send a copy of the signed contracts to your clients, when everyone has signed.

Notice: The maximum email size is 10MB. In order to send attachments with an email, we need to encode them to BASE64 format. This means the attachment size increases by approximately 30%. To prevent us from exceeding 10MB after encoding the attachment, we've limited the maximum file size to 7MB.

To make sure all signed contracts can be sent, we may divide them over several emails.

In your signature request you have included 5 contracts:

contract 1 which is 4 MB
contract 2 which is 2 MB
contract 3 which is 6 MB
contract 4 which is 2 MB
contract 5 which is 3 MB

If sent in one email, the total size would exceed 10MB.

Therefore the signed documents will be send as follows:
Email 1: Contract 1 and 2 (6MB total)
Email 2: Contract 3 (6MB total)
Email 3: Contract 4 and 5 (5MB total)

Now let's configure the email templates for this scenario.

Go to Settings > Signing and scroll down to 'Signed Contracts':

The first email template you see, is used in the following cases:

  1. One email is sent, with all signed contracts attached;

  2. Multiple emails are send, of which the first will use this template.

The second email template you see, is used in case the attachments don't fit in one email. While the first email uses the first template, all emails coming after that, will use the second.

If you have one contract which exceeds 7MB:

The third email template will be used when one of the documents will exceed 7MB. In this case we will not send any of the signed contracts to your client, instead, we will send them an email, which contains this template (You can switch it off if you prefer not to send it)

Apart from this, you can configure notifications which will keep you informed about the status of your signature requests. You can get notified about:

  • Signature Request status changed

  • Contract exceed the size limit. This will inform you when contracts are not automatically sent. Therefore, if you wish, you can send it to your client directly.

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