Access Management: Users
Written by Jeroen Cevaal
Updated over a week ago

The user screen provides an overview of the user accounts that have access to the professional portal of your KYC environment.

Insight in user access

The access the user has within the KYC suite, is determined based on the following:

  • Whether the user is Enabled

    If the user is disabled, they will not be able to log in to the KYC suite.

  • Client Access
    A user can be limited to view only own clients. If the Client Access is 'Open', the user will be able to see all clients.
    When the client access is limited to their own clients, the user will be unable to be assigned to Administrator groups.

  • The groups that are assigned to the user.
    Each group is linked to one or more permissions, which provide the user with access. To read more, see our page about User groups & Permissions.

View user details and history

By clicking the three dots on the right side of the user record, you will have the option to view 'User Details'. This screen provides more information on the user, including a list of permissions. There is also a history view, in which can be found an audit trail of the changes in the permissions for this user account.

User Management

Invite new user

When inviting a new user, the following information is required:

  • E-mail
    This is used to send the invitation to the KYC Suite

  • Phone Number
    This is used for Multi Factor Authentication

  • Client Access
    This setting determines whether the new user will have access to only their own clients, or to all clients in the system.
    If the client access is limited to their own clients, the user will be unable to be assigned to Administrator groups.

  • Groups (optional)
    A user without groups will be allowed access to the basic KYC Suite functionality. To learn more about groups, see our page about User groups & Permissions.

Edit an existing user

By clicking the three dots on the right side of the user record, you will have the option to 'edit user'. Clicking this option allows to change basic user information, as well as the groups assigned to the user. More information about groups can be found on the page User groups & Permissions.

Disabling or deleting a user

If you want to revoke access to the KYC suite, but do not want to delete the user irreversibly, you may use the option to ‘disable’ the user by clicking the toggle button in the column 'Enabled'. If the user is disabled, they will not be able to log in to the KYC suite.

By clicking the three dots on the right side of the user record, you will have the option to 'delete user'. This option allows to completely remove the user from the KYC suite. This action cannot be reverted.

Read more

To read about user groups and permissions, see the page Access Management: User groups & Permissions

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