About modules
Written by Jeroen Cevaal
Updated over a week ago

To facilitate your Know Your Customer process, the KYC Suite uses different kinds of modules. Examples of modules are, CDD screening, survey, the Financial Investment Plan, signing.

The purpose of a module can be to gather information, generate a report or contract, or sent a contract to a third party.

Modules while onboarding

When onboarding a client we currently differentiate between two types of modules:

  1. Static Modules
    These modules are pre-selected and active for each onboarding case.
    Examples of these are: Signing request, Financial Investment Plan,

  2. Variable Modules
    These modules are pre-selected, but you may disable or enable them per onboarding case.

Please note

This page is currently still being worked on. If you have any questions regarding modules, do let us know, so that we can include these in our documentation.

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