Tasks and Workflows

Managing processes such as risk review, onboarding, identification, client import

Written by Jeroen Cevaal
Updated over a week ago

Within the KYC Suite we use tasks and workflows to allow keeping track of tasks and processes. This page explains what a task is and what you can do with it.

Page contents

Task List

Every user can have a task assigned to them. When a task is assigned, an email will be sent out to notify the user that they have something to do.

The task list can be used to view all tasks, you can filter here to view only the tasks that are assigned to yourself.

When you click on an item in the tasks list, you will be redirected either to view more details. It depends on the type of task to where you will be redirected.


Every task has its own workflow behind it. A workflow is a combination of statuses and resolutions, which allow guidance through the completion of a task. Another description for a workflow could be a process.

Example: Risk Review

An example is the risk review workflow. This workflow consists of the following statuses.

Each status marks the different state of the task. For example, a Risk Review task marked as "Open" is not yet picked up. But a Risk Review tasks in the status "Under review" is currently being reviewed by a peer or senior to make sure the risk classification is appropriate for the specific case.

Marking a task as "Done" requires a specific permission which can be assigned to a user. This allows for a more strict separation between roles. Permissions are managed by a user administrator for your KYC environment. For more on permissions, view our page Access Management: User groups & Permissions.

Every user of the KYC Suite can use the workflows to support their own processes. That is why a workflow will, in most cases, not enforce a certain order of completion.

Activity log

For every task we log the changes in status. We also refer to the activity log of a task as the task history or the audit trail. For every change we log the following information:

  • Status
    This is the latest status of the task at moment of the task update.

  • Assignee
    This is the assignee at the time of the task update.

  • Updated
    This is the date and time of the task update.

  • By user
    This is the user that performed the task update.

  • Optional: Comment
    A comment can be provided, this is always optional.

  • Workflow dependent: Additional information
    Some tasks concern specific data or information. For example the risk review includes the new risk classification as additional information.


Users with administrator permissions are able to view a list of all existing workflows in the KYC Suite. This list can be used to understand the different steps for a workflow and which permission is necessary to get to a certain step. This could help an administrator when assigning permissions to a permission-group or a permission-group to a user.

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