Blazemark allows you to share your preplans with other Blazemark orgs under the "Mutual Aid" feature.
Share one or more specific preplans (optionally allow editing)
Share all of your preplans (read-only)
This video covers how to share a single preplan with another org.
(But you can also see how to share all preplans in the video.)
Sharing Your Preplan(s)
As an Org Admin, you can access the Mutual Aid menu from the Admin menu (or Manage Org view).
Find the org that you want to grant access to. If it is nearby, it will show up in the dropdown. Otherwise, start typing to find the org.
You can then
Grant all as read-only
Grant specific preplans
Be sure to SAVE.
Changing Access
You can "View Access" to revoke the sharing.
For example, uncheck the selected box to undo the sharing.