Sometimes building footprints or floor plans are not simple rectangles...
Length x Width just does not work for computing area.
You can take advantage of Google Maps (outside of Blazemark) to Measure Distance by hand (right click on the map and choose from menu).
This building is 600 feet long, 70 feet wide in many places (42,000 ft^2), but with strange additional partial halls:
For these circumstances, you can enter an Area Override in the structure dimensions form. Google computes the area for you (be sure to "close" the shape by clicking the last point on top of the starting point!
Since there are 5 stories on this building, you need to compute manually:
Unique area x Number Stories = Area Override
64,400 x 5 = 322,000 ft^2.
You can still add approximate length, width, height in addition to the full area override.
NOTE: the fireflow will now be based on the override area you entered. It will show the single floor and the total structure being consumed: