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ISO Fire Flow

Fire flow calculation based on ISO

Jon Kern avatar
Written by Jon Kern
Updated over 7 months ago

In addition to standard NFA and IOWA fire flows (described here), we offer the more comprehensive ISO fire flow calculation.

Org Admins can control which fire flows are in use (read more here):

You will see the ability to add an ISO fire flow:

And you can choose to show it in the QAP or not.

The ISO calculation form and logic has been built on the combination of the following:


The Core Equation: NFFi = (Ci)(Oi)[1.0 + (X + P)i]

  • NFF = the needed fire flow in GPM

  • C = a factor related to the type of construction and effective area (Construction Factor)

  • O = a factor related to the type of occupancy (Occupancy Factor))

  • X = a factor related to the exposure hazard of adjacent buildings (Exposure Factor)

  • P = a factor related to the communication hazard with adjacent buildings (Communication Factor)

To calculate the NFF of a building, you will need to determine the predominant type (class) of construction (F), size (effective area, A) of the building, predominant type (class) of occupancy, exposure to the property, and the factor for communication to another building.

When you are entering the details of the ISO Fire Flow inputs, the entry form shows you related information in the middle column (when possible). You can choose to enter different values -- whatever makes the most sense for the preplan specifics:

See full specification here:

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