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Profit and Loss Report
Profit and Loss Report

P&L Report gives a comparison of the amount invoiced vs total of receipts.

Gabrielle P avatar
Written by Gabrielle P
Updated over a week ago

A Profit and Loss Report looks at the amount invoiced (subtotal) vs the total amount of receipts entered on the job production section – OR – if you don’t enter receipts in job production the report looks at the total of the Fees category – plus – any line item markups – plus – the job markup (if any, usually reserved for TV commercial productions) – minus – the total production expenses for each job.

Go to Reports > Profit and Loss Report. This is where all your reports, past, present and future, will be housed.

To run a new report, click “Generate New” , and then, enter the date range, and personalities you would like to include. Then click “Submit.”

The system will generate a new report and input it into the report list as “Finished.” From there you can view it, delete it, download it externally as a PDF or an Excel Spreadsheet.

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