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Automated Manager Escalation
Automated Manager Escalation

Include employees' managers in your compliance process. Notify them about missing signatures, allow them to see employees' handbooks, & more

Tom O'Dea avatar
Written by Tom O'Dea
Updated over 7 months ago

Automated Manager Escalation helps managers help themselves and their employees to get the signatures you need to mitigate risk and achieve your compliance goals.

  • Managers can be CCed on automated and manual reminder emails

  • Employees' managers can be used as a filter in reporting

  • Managers can view signature status for their direct reports and their direct reports and so on down the tree on a dashboard, where they can also:

    • Access their staff's documents (very useful with personalized content)

    • Trigger reminders to be sent to employees who report up to them who still need to sign

    • Trigger reminders to be sent to managers who report up to them who have staff members who need to sign

  • Managers can receive a weekly digest email that contains a list of their direct reports who have yet to sign their acknowledgement

To enable Automated Manager Escalation, integrate Blissbook with your HRIS or include employees' managers on your employee list sync file. Automated Manager Escalation features only appear if Blissbook knows who your managers are.

CC Managers on Reminder Emails

When setting up your CC options, you'll see a checkbox for the recipient's manager(s). Click it and managers will be emailed a copy of the reminder.

You'll also see this CC line when manually sending a bulk reminder, but the checkbox will be on the left instead.

Filter Documentation by Manager

Want to see if a particular manager's staff has signed their acknowledgements? Add a manager filter to any of your reports.

You can also go directly to the Managers view and filter by their name, email, groups, and other categories.

Manager Access to Documentation

Everyone at every level of your organization is a little bit responsible for risk mitigation. It's not just on you! With Manager Escalation, your managers can view the signature status of their direct reports:

Managers can access this view by clicking the "Manager Dashboard" option from within the MENU of a published document:

There are no popups or notifications for managers so you'll need to let them know about this button if you'd like them to use it.

Manager Access to Staff Members' Handbooks

Within the manager dashboard, the manager can click the πŸ‘ view button to open and view that particular person's document.

This is especially useful if you're using our personalized content functionality to limit access to content within a document to reduce noise for employees. In this case, an employee could have access to content within their document that the manager doesn't have access to in theirs. Managers can also access their staff members' documents that they themselves do not have access to.

Manager Notifications to Managers and Reminders to All Staff

All the other functionality here is great for raising awareness amongst managers who can help get signatures. Blissbook takes a one step further by giving your managers and leadership teams tools to actually do something with that awareness.

Checking either of these boxes at the bottom of the Invitations & Reminders tab of your Email Automation page (under Organization in the main nav) will enable buttons on your managers' Manager Dashboard page.

These buttons allow a manager to send a notification to either all managers who report up to them or directly to employees who report up to them. In either case, the emails will only go to managers of people who need to sign, or to employees who need to sign. People may only receive one email every 24 hours.

Managers of managers can also send notifications to a specific manager, or directly to the people who report up to those managers.

Last, since you don't want managers writing their own emails here (who knows what they'd say!), you have control over that content. Just click Edit on this page to customize those emails.

Bi-Weekly Digest

You can choose to send a bi-weekly email to managers that lists their direct reports who've yet to sign their acknowledgement form. Go to the Invitations & Reminders tab of your Email Automation page (under Organization in the main nav) and look for this setting.

If you click Edit, you can customize the intro to the list in the email body, and you can also choose who shows up on the list:

  • People whose signature is past due or will be within the next week

  • People whose signature is past due

  • People who have yet to sign and were invited to do so at least a week ago

This email is sent every other week: enough to keep people in the loop that there are compliance gaps, but not so much where they'll report you as spam. =)

More to Come!

If you have any suggestions for how we can use manager hierarchy to improve the employee handbook experience, please let us know!

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