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List Filters - Required, Excluded and Conditional
List Filters - Required, Excluded and Conditional

Explanation of different filters, how to apply filters and how to chain filters.

Ashley Harris avatar
Written by Ashley Harris
Updated over 6 years ago


When creating a list, an important step is to add filters to your list. You can select required filters at the top or scroll down to select conditional and excluded filters.

Click on the small arrow to the right of the filter category in the right column of the page to select your filter parameters.

To select the filter for your list, click the two horizontal lines to the right of the filter name and drag the filter into the left-hand column that says ‘Drag filter boxes here’.

Once your filter is in the left-hand column, you can set your specific criteria. For example, if you want a list of only people who live in a specific county, select counties from the right-hand column, drag it into the left-hand column, and type in the county name to only include people who live in that county.

Continue selecting and dragging filters until you have selected all of your required criteria.

Excluded Filters

To exclude people from your list, scroll down to select filters from the ‘Excluded Filters’ box. For example, if you want a list of only women, you would click on the gender category and drag it into the left-hand column and check the box next to Male and Other. Continue selecting filters until you have finished excluding all you want to exclude.


Conditional Filters

Unlike required filters, conditional filters allow you to include people that meet either one condition or another. For example, if your required filter is to only include people who live in Jackson County, and you select the conditional filters of gender: female and age: 18-30, your list will narrow to include only Jackson County voters that are either female or between the ages of 18-30. You can also select organizing criteria, such as if you want a list of Jackson County voters who have either attended an event or participated as a volunteer.

To select a conditional filter, scroll down and select select a filter category in the Conditional Filters Box from the right-hand column and drag it over to the left-hand column. Once in the left column, you can specify further. For example, pull over the gender box to the left-hand column, then check the box next to female to set the conditional filter of female.

Next, you need to select your other condition. As in the example above, if you want a list of Jackson County voters that are either female or between the ages of 18-30, you need to drag over the age filter to the left-hand column. Once in the left-hand column, you can specify further to 18-30. 

Now that you have two options selected, the search will return results for either female or 18-30 years old. 

Additionally, you can chain the filters together. To do so, hover your mouse just to the right of your first filter. A chain icon should appear. Click on that icon to chain your filters.

An icon made up of a square overlapping another square will appear just to the right of your second filter. Click on that. Chaining tells the system that the items within the chain both need to be met or the boxes outside of the chain.

Once you have set your filters, click the purple ‘Continue’ button at the bottom of the page. 

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