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Selecting Forms for a Delivery

How to make sure that you have selected the correct forms for your delivery.

Ashley Harris avatar
Written by Ashley Harris
Updated over a week ago

You can find a delivery under Registration in the menu.

Once on the View Deliveries page, navigate to your delivery in the Assembly stage. You can search the View Deliveries page by delivery number or by delivery runner name and you can filter your list of deliveries by office or by delivery stage with the blue buttons on the top of the page. Click on your delivery to begin assembling it. 

The top of the delivery page contains all of the information that you entered for this delivery and also shows the delivery status, ‘Ready for Assembly.’  Below the delivery information, you will be able to select the correct forms for the delivery. 

Creating a List of Eligible Forms for a Delivery

Deliveries are compiled based on the county of residence listed on each registration form, as identified during Visual QC. 

The first step of compiling your delivery is to select the county, or counties, of the forms you would like to include in your delivery. You can also click the checkbox to include forms that, for whatever reason, do not have a county.

Click ‘Add’ to make your county selection. 

You can type a county name into the field or select a county or multiple counties from the dropdown menu. The dropdown menu will only display counties that have eligible forms. It will also display the number of eligible forms in the county in parentheses next to the county name. 

You can also click ‘Select all counties’ below the dropdown to see all eligible forms in all counties. After selecting all counties, you can individually remove a county by clicking the x next to the county name. You can also click ‘Remove all Counties’ to clear your selection.

Click ‘Done’ to save your selection. Your county selection will save even if you leave the page. Once you have chosen the correct counties, you can then filter your list of eligible forms by office and shift date.

When your counties and filters are set, scroll down to see the list of eligible registration forms for this delivery. 

Selecting the Correct Forms for a Delivery 

At the top of the list of eligible registration forms, you will see a summary of registration forms in your turf. 

This summary displays the number of forms included in the delivery, the number of forms that are eligible, the number of packets that are eligible and the number of forms not eligible. At the onset of assembling a delivery, the first two numbers, included and eligible, will be the same. As you manually exclude certain forms from your delivery, the number of forms included will change. The number of forms not eligible will tell you how many forms are available for a delivery, but are not from the counties you have selected for this delivery. 

Below the summary is a list of the registration forms that are available, or eligible, for your delivery. 

In the left panel, you will see the list of packets eligible for the delivery. This displays the packet filename, the number of forms eligible out of the total number of forms in the packet, as well as the shift date. 

You can search this list by typing search criteria into the search field at the top of this panel. You can also sort this list alphabetically or by shift date. 

Once a packet is selected in the left panel, you will see the packet details in the right panel. 

At the top of the right panel you will see the packet filename, the upload date, the number of eligible forms and the option to ‘Exclude All.’  If this packet should not be included in this delivery, simply click ‘Exclude All.’

After excluding all eligible forms in a packet, ‘Exclude All’ will be replaced with a button to ‘Include All’. Clicking this button will reverse all exclusions made in the packet.

Below this packet summary in the right panel, you will see each form in the packet listed. 

This form is eligible for this delivery and has not been excluded. This listing will show you the scan number, registrant name, assigned county and notes. It also displays that the form is included in the delivery you are creating and gives you the option to exclude the form or inspect the form. 

To see any notes on the form, click the purple note icon. 

Click ‘Hide Notes’ to collapse the note display. 

To see the pdf of the form and to adjust the assigned county of the form, click ‘Inspect.’ You will be redirected to the Inspect Form page.

On this page you will see the same details in the delivery list, but you can also scroll down to view the pdf of the form. 

To change the assigned county, click the small arrow next to the county field and select the correct county. 

Changes are saved automatically. Click ‘Back to Delivery’ to return to your delivery page. 

The list of eligible registrations will also show you the forms in the eligible packets that are not eligible for the delivery. They are not eligible because they are assigned to a different county, or because they are attached to another delivery.

Click ‘View Ineligible’ to see the details of those ineligible forms.

If a form is assigned to the incorrect county, this box will say ‘Doesn’t match criteria.’  You can change the county by clicking on ‘Inspect.’

If a form is already attached to a completed delivery, this box will show the delivery number.

Once you have assembled all of the correct forms for your delivery, click ‘Commit Forms for Review’ in the bottom right of the delivery page. 

You will be redirected to the delivery page, now in Review. 

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