Technical flags refer to flags that require re-uploading a packet, such as redaction issues, voided forms, duplicate forms/packets, etc.
The top of each technical flag page looks the same as canvasser flags, however you will not see canvasser information.
You will see a re-upload button that will enable you to re-upload a corrected file back into the same shift.
That’s right! No more need to create a new shift, Blocks will now retain your shift information and you will reupload right on this page. When you click ‘Reupload’ an upload pop-up will appear.
Drag and drop or browse your computer to attach the corrected packet. Once a new packet is uploaded, the flag will resolve and the packet will restart quality control. You will no longer see the flag.
As always, you can still look on the Shifts page to see if the re-upload was successful.